Mercury retrograde


Yep mercury is in fucking retrograde. đź’ś mercury rules! Mercury is the boss of so many things, especially communication intellect,even technology. Sometimes other planets appear to be traveling backwards but this just isn’t so. This is called retrograde motion. 3 x a year mercury goes retrograde for about 3 weeks. Here is also a lunar eclipse OCR 8 and solar eclipse OCR 23. During this time you can expect some misunderstandings, miscommunications, technology to go wacko,foggy thought processing and machinery issues. During this astrological transition (OCR 4-25th)I encourage you to reflect,review,repair,redo and renew. Just like the planet facing what would normally be behind you before moving forward. Remain flexible, avoid commitments like signed contracts and verbal agreements, be patient, be mindful and most most most of all. LIVE LIFE and LOVE LIFE.

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